Flip PDF Professional for Mac Command Line Usage:
PTCMD.exe [Options] 1. FPCMD -f <PDF File> -o <output folder> -n <OutputFileName> [Options] 2. FPCMD --input <PDF File> --outputFolder <output folder> --name <OutputFileName> [Options] 3. "FPCMD -h" | "FPCMD --help" for help
-f <PDF file> | --input <PDF file> : The source PDF file. -o <output folder> | --outputFolder <output folder> : Specifies the folder for the output files. -n <OutputFileName> | --name <OutputFileName>: Specifies the name for the output file. -t <html|zip|app> | --type <html|zip|app> : Output type. Default is html. -s <Flash settings> |--style <Flash settings> : Value format is:<Template name>#[<Theme name>|<txt_settingfile path>]. -r <page range> | --range <page range> : The page range that you want to import from PDF File. Range value string like:2-15,33,35-36,or All.(Default:All) -q <import quality> | --quality <import quality>: Count be 5,4,3,2,1. 5 specify the higher quality larger file size;1 specifies lower quality smaller file size.(default:4) -R <SWF|IMAGE> | --render <SWF|IMAGE> : Page format options.(Default: SWF) -b <Y|N> | --bookmark <Y|N> : Import bookmark yes or no. (Default: Y) -l <Y|N> | --link <Y|N> : Import links yes or no. (Default: Y). -k <html key words> | --keywords <html key words>: Set keywords for html book. -d <html description> | --description <html description> : Set the descriptions for html output file. -j <html javascript> | --javascript <html javascript> : Set the javascript for html output file. -m <Y|N> | --mobile <Y|N> : Create mobile version yes or no.(Default:N) -M <mobile template> | --mobile <mobile template> Select the mobile template, such as "Flip", "Single Page Flip", "Slide"(default:"Flip"). This parameter is only valid when you output the mobile version ([-m Y]). -E <Scene name> | --scene <Scene name> : Set scene(default:None), scene name define inside mainframe->"Scenes" tab. -i <icon file path> | --icon <icon file path> : Specify the icon path. This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]). -w <window size> | --window <window size> : Specify the size of app window. Value could be: "M"("Max"), or some string like:"800,600" or "Custom:800,600". (width is 800,height is 600). This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]). -v <app version> | --version <app version> : Set the app version. This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]). -I <app identifier> | --identifier <app identifier> : Set app indentifier. This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]). -H <Y|N> | --HideMode <Y|N> : Set the app quit when click the close button (default Y). This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]).
Examples 1: Examples 2: Examples 3:
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