Use Flip PDF Pro for Mac in Command Line:

Flip PDF Professional for Mac Command Line Usage:


PTCMD.exe [Options]

1. FPCMD -f <PDF File> -o <output folder> -n <OutputFileName> [Options]

2. FPCMD --input <PDF File> --outputFolder <output folder> --name <OutputFileName> [Options]

3. "FPCMD -h" | "FPCMD --help" for help


-f <PDF file> | --input <PDF file> : The source PDF file.

-o <output folder> | --outputFolder <output folder> : Specifies the folder for the output files.

-n <OutputFileName> | --name <OutputFileName>: Specifies the name for the output file.

-t <html|zip|app> | --type <html|zip|app> : Output type. Default is html.

-s <Flash settings> |--style <Flash settings> : Value format is:<Template name>#[<Theme name>|<txt_settingfile path>].
<Template name> could be: Classic, Float, Spread or other template.
<Theme name> is the name of the theme shown in the "Select a template" window, such as Blank, Blues, Nostalgia.
<txt_settingfile path> is the template setting file which you exported in GUI with "Save the template settings" function

-r <page range> | --range <page range> : The page range that you want to import from PDF File. Range value string like:2-15,33,35-36,or All.(Default:All)

-q <import quality> | --quality <import quality>: Count be 5,4,3,2,1. 5 specify the higher quality larger file size;1 specifies lower quality smaller file size.(default:4)

-R <SWF|IMAGE> | --render <SWF|IMAGE> : Page format options.(Default: SWF)

-b <Y|N> | --bookmark <Y|N> : Import bookmark yes or no. (Default: Y)

-l <Y|N> | --link <Y|N> : Import links yes or no. (Default: Y).

-k <html key words> | --keywords <html key words>: Set keywords for html book.

-d <html description> | --description <html description> : Set the descriptions for html output file.

-j <html javascript> | --javascript <html javascript> : Set the javascript for html output file.

-m <Y|N> | --mobile <Y|N> : Create mobile version yes or no.(Default:N)

-M <mobile template> | --mobile <mobile template> Select the mobile template, such as "Flip", "Single Page Flip", "Slide"(default:"Flip"). This parameter is only valid when you output the mobile version ([-m Y]).

-E <Scene name> | --scene <Scene name> : Set scene(default:None), scene name define inside mainframe->"Scenes" tab.

-i <icon file path> | --icon <icon file path> : Specify the icon path. This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]).

-w <window size> | --window <window size> : Specify the size of app window. Value could be: "M"("Max"), or some string like:"800,600" or "Custom:800,600". (width is 800,height is 600). This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]).

-v <app version> | --version <app version> : Set the app version. This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]).

-I <app identifier> | --identifier <app identifier> : Set app indentifier. This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]).

-H <Y|N> | --HideMode <Y|N> : Set the app quit when click the close button (default Y). This parameter is only valid when you output book as App format (-t[app]).


Examples 1:
FPCMD -f"~/Downloads/20090812.pdf" -o"~/Documents/FlipBuilder/" -n"FPCMD_TEST0" -thtml -c"Title" -s"Float#Blues" -r"All" -q5 -R"SWF"

Examples 2:
FPCMD -f"~/Downloads/20090812.pdf" -o"~/Documents/FlipBuilder/" -n"FPCMD_TEST1" -tapp -c"DEMO" -s"Float#Blues" -r"1-3,5,6" -q4 -R"IMAGE"

Examples 3:
FPCMD --input "~/Downloads/20090812.pdf" --output "~/Documents/FlipBuilder/" --name "FPCMD_TEST1" --type "zip" --caption "Title" --style "Float#~/Documents/colorful.txt" --range "All" --quality 4 --render "SWF"


Return code:
0 Success!
1 The input file isn't existed!
2 Parameters are invalid!
3 Failed to load PDF!
4 Failed to import bookmarks!
5 Failed to import links!
6 Failed to import searchable information!
7 Failed to save the output file!
8 Icon file isn't existed!
9 The output folder isn't existed.
10 The output file name is invalid.
11 The icon file name is invalid.
12 No any mobile templates existed!
13 The input mobile template isn't existed!
14 Style name is invalid.
15 The input flash template name is invalid!
16 The input style name for flash template is invalid, or the input style file isn't existed!
17 The input scene name is invalid!
18 Failed to convert book...
19 Failed to load flash template!
20 Failed to load scene!
21 Invalid command!
22 The output type is invalid!
23 The page quality is out of range! (range: 1~5 )
24 The Render Engine/Page Format is invalid!




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