If you source PDF file contains Table of Contents, you can import the TOC while importing the PDF file in Import interface.
However, if your PDF doesn't contain TOC, you can create one manually. You can add, delete, edit and re-arrange the title and index with ease. And with just a few clicks, you can create a multi-level Table of Contents for the flipbook publication.

Click the "Add" button to add an index, and then input title and page for the index.
Click "Add child" to add a sub index and set title and page.
Click "Move Up" to move selected item upwards.
Click "Move Up" to move selected item downwards.
Click "Export the bookmark" to export the Table of Contents and save it as a TXT file.
Click "Import the bookmark" to import a Table of Content (the TXT file you exported before).
Click the "Delete" button to delete a selected index.

You preview the Table of Contents in the preview window immediately.