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How to add comments on images while building digital albums?

While converting my images to page-flipping brochures, I want to add some descriptive words on the pages or just add some funny notes, what can I to add text in Flip Image?

You can add text on image pages which to be converted to flipbooks in Flip Image with ease, just follow the below steps:

1. Start Flip Image, click the "Add Image" icon to choose images from your computer or digital camera;

2. You can open "Settings->Additions->Watermark" part to add text watermarks on pages, you can define font type, color, size, style, etc;

3. Click "Publish to FlippingBook" button enter into template design interface, set template, background, tool bar, bookmarks, Apply Change and preview effects;

4. Click "Convert To Flipping Book" to choose a mode to output your created page-flipping eBook, HTML, EXE, ZIP, or Burn to CD.

Free download the trial version to have a try now.

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