Design Creative eBook with Multi Media

With Flip PDF Plus, eBook design software, it is easier than ever before to convert your Flat PDF into an interactive digital flipbook which will look aesthetically pleasing.

  • Decorate eBook with beautiful templates and bookmarkets;
  • Impressive page flipping reading effect;
  • Enrich eBook with animation and video.

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You can convert your PDF file into flipbook format with Flip PDF Plus. Take full use of the excellent selection of high-quality templates to give your eBook a pretty appearance. Otherwise, you can design a unique one by yourself, integrating your eBook with your own branding.

To broaden the reach of your content, you can create a multi-language flipbook, which empowers your audience to read in their native language by switching the language. What’s more, you can enable Search function and input Meta information (Title, Description and Keywords) to make your content more SEO-friendly.


Flip PDF Plus empowers you to add interactive elements to make your content as dynamic as possible. You can embed internal or external links, helping direct your audience through your content with ease and flow. Besides, you have the ability to engage your audience’s reading experience with , image slideshow, audio and video.

Thanks to Flip PDF Plus flexible distribution formats, it is truly convenient to publish your well-designed eBook to web. You can share the output publication with the world via your website and major social media platforms, like Facebook, LinkIn and Twitter.
