Flip PDF, create stunning publications

How to make a dynamic page flipping magazine online

Magazines can be classified into different styles with different purposes. Some are heavily informational, while others aim to entertain people. No matter it is for commercial or educational, magazines is everywhere.

  • Informational magazines for the lovers to know the latest breakthrough in any industry.
  • Leisure magazines to entertain and relax people when they have time.
  • Advertising magazines with ideal showcases for goods and services.
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Learn how to create a page flip magazine from PDF

Flip PDF Professional makes it easy for you to make a magazine with common computer skills. Only three steps, you can create a good-looking magazine.

Step 1: Import PDF magazine or make new from template

If you have prepared the PDF document, you can directly import it into Flip PDF Professional for further editing. If not, you can make new one from the template you like.

make a magazine with Flip PDF Professional

Step 2: Customize the content in your style

This step all depends on which type the magazine is. For the informational magazines, it is better to design a formal background and theme. For the leisure magazines, the reading interface should make people relax. And the advertising magazines should catch the eyes of audience at the first sight with unique brand. As for the content, you can enrich it with multimedia.

make a magazine with Flip PDF Professional

Step 3: Publish the magazine

Flip PDF Professional provides you multiple options: publish as plugin, burn to CD, online publishing with FTP, emailing and sharing.

make a magazine with Flip PDF Professional

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